Wednesday, October 11, 2023

About HOPE Caregiver Support

About Hope...

HOPE Caregiver Support was created to meet a need that exists everywhere. We aim to inspire caregivers and supporters of those with traumatic brain injury and brain-related challenges. Our safe place is full of hope, ideas, and resources, and I'm happy you're here!

I'm not a medical professional and cannot dispense anything other than common sense and a view from my experiences. 


My husband was hit by a car while riding his bicycle in our neighborhood. It was November, and in New Hampshire, it gets dark early in November. Apparently, the 16-year-old boy who hit him never saw him. He had whiplash, a concussion, torn ligaments in his foot, and a broken elbow. His helmet was ripped from his head, and, in places, the hair was sheared off. He lost consciousness and doesn't remember the accident, but he has regular nightmares that wake us up.

Since that cold day, we have had neurologists tell my husband that he will never be who he was; we've had psychologists offer to help him file for disability; we've had numerous specialists involved to help with headaches, PTSD, and a wide range of other symptoms resulting from the accident. 

Early on, I realized I needed to advocate for his care. I needed to push back when so-called professionals and other authority figures gave excuses and dead ends. Today, I question everything. I want to know why something is being suggested, why it should help, and what others have experienced. I've learned to seek my answers and ask for help when needed. 

Caregiver Support

What started as a small community of several women discussing their husbands grew into a rather large community of men and women, mothers and fathers, uncles, aunts, grandparents, and friends, who seek comfort and answers to what they're walking through. 

We are happy to share the light of hope. All are welcome here. 

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